Words of wisdom

Words of wisdom

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

DHS Class of '64 Mini-Reunion - Prescott, AZ

Carol, my good friend from high school, recently retired after living for many years in St. Louis. She had thought about returning to our hometown of Danville, IL to live quietly for her 'golden years.' Since no one who knew her thought this was a good idea (Danville is now basically a ghost town compared to what it was when we grew up there) we all suggested she find someplace where she might be more active, be surrounded by theater and shopping and good weather...and we were all thrilled when she chose to move to Prescott, AZ.... and bought a house big enough to have lots of visitors!

She and I were both astounded when we learned just how many of our female classmates had spent their years since leaving Danville, living and working and retiring to the Phoenix/Scotsdale area. Carol sent out an invite to everyone and though quite a few couldn't make it, we had a great turnout.

We all arrived on Friday and were up and going early Saturday morning, talking non-stop about what we remembered about each other and who we had dated and what we had been doing since we last saw each other. Carol suggested that we would all love a day in Jerome, an old mining town high up in mountains, where the weather is quite a bit cooler than 'the Valley.' We wandered, shopped and just spent the day enjoying each others company. We had a great time - as you can see from the smiling faces!

The next day we drove into Prescott and enjoyed getting to see Carol's new hometown, the beautiful, tree-filled square, the shops and many restaurants and bars that line "Whiskey Row".

The Phoenix contingent headed home after lunch and Carol and I returned to her lovely home to spend a quite evening and discuss details for our meeting up in Palm Springs in two days.

I took off early the next morning and drove from a reasonable, temperate Prescott into 'the Valley' and temps hitting 112º to enjoy 2 days with one of my oldest and dearest high school friends, Terry, and his partner Greg. They have a lovely townhouse in the Glendale section of Phoenix where I have visited often over the years, but got a tour of their brand new condo in The Biltmore residential resort area. They are all ready to move - just waiting to for the townhouse to close.

Terry is retired now so we got to spend all days just chatting, eating, getting me a much needed hair cut, and catching-up.

Old friends are the very best friends. They 'knew you when' and still like you today. We hugged goodbye and knew that we would keep in touch and see each other again soon.

Until next time.....

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